The majority of our servicing is done in house by our service technicians, however some parts are not available and we use a licensed 3rd party to service some gear. The rough time it takes to get the gear serviced is 1 week, due to waiting on parts this can be longer.

Tank Hydrostatic Test
In Western Australia scuba cylinders need to be hydrostaticly tested every year otherwise they can't be filled! Usually about a week turnaround.

Tank Valve Service
Valve sticking? Get it serviced and get it working good as new! Recommend to do yearly to prolong the lifespan of the valve.
From $16.5

Tank internal rust clean
Steel tanks rust, especially if left filled with air for some time. This can be removed by doing an internal rust clean. If too much of the tank has rusted away the tank will be failed. This is an additional cost if it needs to happen when your tank comes in for hydro testing.

Tank O2 Clean
Want to get your tank prepared for Nitrox mixes? Get it O2 cleaned and stickered up then its ready!

Regulator Service
Most diving regulators should be serviced annually. Bring in your gear and we can provide an estimate on cost, or if it is even possible to service. (1st & 2nd stage, Occy, SPG)
From $103

BCD Service
BCDs should be serviced once a year, and is important to make sure all the valves work and the bladder has no tears.
From $35
Special Requests
Don’t see a service above that you need? Get in touch using this form and we’ll do our best to help you out!